Saturday 5 November 2011

Two months in!

Went to Gisengi by bus the weekend before last.  Saw the TTC (Teacher Training Centre) that Fiona works in and then had a walk by the Lake – it was a lovely day so we decided to grab a bit of 4* luxury for the afternoon and spent 3,000RWf buying a ticket to use the facilities of the Lake Kivu Serena hotel.  Not something you do every day on an subsistence allowance!  It was great.  Had the second hot shower since getting to Rwanda! it was lovely.

Fiona at the TTC

Lake Kivu Serena

View over Lake Kivu to Goma in DRC

A mobile nail polish seller we saw!  Anyone for a manicure?

On the way home on the bus I kept seeing all these mounds of carrots being stacked up in each village we passed.  It took me ages to get this shot through the bus window.  It must be carrot harvesting time!

Last weekend I spent Friday night helping to make a costume for Roisin my house mate for Halloween.  Here we are.  Needless to say I didn't dress for the occasion.  The other girls are the 'spice girls' from left to right Coral Carly Sarah Jo Fiona Kemi and Mary.

On Sunday we visited the Presidents Palace.  It has been home to two of Rwanda's presidents and was built in 1976.  Unfortunately you are not allowed to take photos inside the palace so here's one of us at the entrance. Me, Gloria, Margaret and Karen.

On the way back from our trip to Gitarama (where I had spent Friday night with Jo and Julia) we saw this lovely lad walking along the road with his toy.  Wow what an invention.  He's obviously going to be an inventor or car designer when he grows up.  It acutally all worked too - including moving wheels at the front.

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