Monday 21 November 2011


Booked a holiday with Kenyan Airlines to Zanzibar for Christmas with Karen another volunteer so thats something to look forward to!
The first week in November I was working on making the data the office hold on schools more efficient.  The records that the office kept on the schools were soooooo long winded and they were all on separate tabs on a spreadsheet.  I decided to rationalise the system and move all the data onto one central spreadsheet with just four tabs, infrastructure, facilities, teachers and pupils.  I began the process on Monday and had nearly finished it by Thursday.
Received two parcels from Mum and Dad this week so that was nice.  Cuppa soups (what a luxury and a complete surprise) earl grey tea (much needed and loved) and ankle tights (again much needed – my only pair has so many darns and holes in they are more darn than tight)  It’s nice to know people at home are thinking of you as I do really miss everyone. 

I was called into the Vice Mayors office and thought I had done something wrong but on the contrary I was being congratulated for the bid I had put into MTN for 15 laptops for the SEOs (Sector Education officers) Unfortunately I found out later in the week that my bid had not been successful so will now have to try putting in bids to other companies. 

You may recall we have had a motocycle school outside our house for the last year. 
Motorbike school outside our house.
Recently business has been booming and there have been no less than 17 motocycles out there!  The fumes are hellish and the noise of them all revving up all day is really annoying.  We asked who we should complain to and went to see the person concerned.   Apparently the school was not legal and it was blocking a public highway so they had not right to be there.  The next day there was no-one there!  Amazing......Couldn’t believe the prompt response though it was great.
Week two and three - had two very busy weeks – running district wide training on the New English Curriculum which came out in 2010 and which VSO volunteers had a hand in producing.

Margaret (another volunteer from Matimba) stayed with us all week to help out as the groups were very big for the first week.  Teachers have turned out in full force despite this being their holidays!  The highest number of teachers that came to a training session was 68.   (We had expected 40 that day)  We also ran one different kind of training for three schools who had requested it on Tuesday on 'Child centred methodology and resource making'. 

Full House!

Curious children

Our youngest delegate (3 weeks old)

Aruchacha  at the training
Went to the Serena in Gisengi for a day of much needed rest and recuperation last Saturday. 
I had put in a bid to Entraide Solidarity - the Association of Staff of the Council of Europe for 65 desks for a school and today I heard that I had won the bid for the money  so that's great.  Now just have to arrange to get them made before the new term starts in January.
Another volunteer was staying with us this weekend as she was visiting the gorillas.  So I spent a relaxing Saturday morning in the garden taking pictures of a lizard, many birds and a beautiful butterfly too. 

Lazy Lizard

Beautiful flowers in our garden

A weaver bird (I think)

Weather here is still about 20 degrees and  sunny.  Training this week has been less stressful than last week as we have got into the swing of it now and the numbers are smaller than the first week too.  Not sure what I am going to do tomorrow – kind of nice to have a ‘free weekend’

One more week of training to go......

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