Monday 5 December 2011


Finally finished the training and all went well.  This week I have been working with two Head teachers trying to set up a template for them to use to timetable their staff in their schools without proper timetabling software – using Excel.  Not as easy as it sounds due to double shifting and the fact that they have very large schools, with large numbers of teachers and 12 periods in 1 day!  I have to prepare a presentation to the head teachers for Friday so busy doing that. 

During the last three weeks that we ran our training I also asked the head teachers to complete a ‘Needs Analysis’ for me with what training they needed outlined so I have the returns to analyse too. 

Nothing much has happened here, except I won the bid for the desks! Yippee.  I have been with the head teacher to the joiners to pay them half of the money to get the work started which gave me a real buzz.  They should be finished by 5th January ready for the new term.  I hope I am as successful with the bid for the orphanage. 

It doesn’t feel like the 5th December here as the days are still warm and sunny – very strange – but very nice.  I understand it’s snowing at home today.  Glad I’m not there!

Saw this little lad with his home made kite running down the road yesterday - lovely.

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