Monday 11 March 2013

Byumba Trip Feb 2013

This was eventful weekend 2nd and 3rd of Feb to celebrate Lesley's birthday.  Unfortunately travelling this weekend was a bit difficult as all S1 and S4 pupils were returning to school so the buses were cram packed with students. 

Arrived at 1.30 after a two hour wait at Nyabugogo in Kigali.  Went for a lovely walk.   Byumba is a hidden treasure.  Rolling lush green pastures with lovely banana trees everywhere and wonderful views.  The day was bright and sunny and clear.  Wonderful.  Forgot to take my camera so will now have to go again to snap the views.  Returned for a meal at 4pm to the hotel which was also very nice (Ubwuzu) The manager is called Blondine and it was a lovely stay.  In the afternoon they organised a band of drummers to come.  They were very good.  Spent the evening there then went to Lesley and Steves in the evening for a party for Lesleys birthday. 

Next day we set off in a bus to the marshes and Lake Burera to do some bird watching.  It was a very hairy trip with the bus having to go across some very dodgy looking bridges made of logs (about 10 in all!)  Each time the whole bus held its breath in case the bridge collapsed!  We finally made it.

The bus ride was about 1 hour then we arrived at the boats with an audience as usual.
Had to walk some of the way.

Set off bird watching and saw these!
Crested Cranes

Bishop Bird


Not sure what this is!  Any ideas?


Yellow billed ducks
We also saw spoonbills and herons but could not get close enough for a picture.

This is a picture of the wonderful scenery we saw all weekend.  All in all a wonderful weekend.  Thanks Lesley and Steve!

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