Monday 18 March 2013

St Patrick's Day Party

Travelled to Kigali on Saturday for the annual Irish revelry.  Here are just a couple of snaps of some of the action!

The dancing was good, the company good and hopefully they raised a lot of money for charity.

Monday 11 March 2013

Byumba Trip Feb 2013

This was eventful weekend 2nd and 3rd of Feb to celebrate Lesley's birthday.  Unfortunately travelling this weekend was a bit difficult as all S1 and S4 pupils were returning to school so the buses were cram packed with students. 

Arrived at 1.30 after a two hour wait at Nyabugogo in Kigali.  Went for a lovely walk.   Byumba is a hidden treasure.  Rolling lush green pastures with lovely banana trees everywhere and wonderful views.  The day was bright and sunny and clear.  Wonderful.  Forgot to take my camera so will now have to go again to snap the views.  Returned for a meal at 4pm to the hotel which was also very nice (Ubwuzu) The manager is called Blondine and it was a lovely stay.  In the afternoon they organised a band of drummers to come.  They were very good.  Spent the evening there then went to Lesley and Steves in the evening for a party for Lesleys birthday. 

Next day we set off in a bus to the marshes and Lake Burera to do some bird watching.  It was a very hairy trip with the bus having to go across some very dodgy looking bridges made of logs (about 10 in all!)  Each time the whole bus held its breath in case the bridge collapsed!  We finally made it.

The bus ride was about 1 hour then we arrived at the boats with an audience as usual.
Had to walk some of the way.

Set off bird watching and saw these!
Crested Cranes

Bishop Bird


Not sure what this is!  Any ideas?


Yellow billed ducks
We also saw spoonbills and herons but could not get close enough for a picture.

This is a picture of the wonderful scenery we saw all weekend.  All in all a wonderful weekend.  Thanks Lesley and Steve!

Cow for Kabuga and toilets!

My good friend Jax who visited Rwanda last year has been raising funds in her school to enable Kabuga to build some new toilets.  When she visited the school the number of toilets was inadequate and the existing loos were full!  What can I say.  Jax provided some money to have the loos emptied.

Waste having been emptied from the 'old' toilets

The 'old' toilets were then cleaned and ready for use.

She also raised money to pay for them to dig a hole to enable the school to build a new block of toilets.  Digging the hole is not as simple as it sounds due to the fact that the school is based on volcanic rock and there are no tools available for digging it so it has to be broken up by hand - a very long job.

The hole at the beginning


The hole gets deeper.

The foundations are prepared.
The funds raised also went to buy a cow so that the pupils in school can have milk.  This was a challenge for me knowing nothing about cows!! but I went with the head teacher to one of the local farmers and purchased the cow and then we had to take it to a place where it would stay until the shelter was built for it nearer the school.  The cow is pregnant so in September should have a calf and that calf will be passed onto someone in the local community who is very poor in order to help them.  This is a tradition in Rwanda.

The cow who has been christened Arboyne

The cow's temporary home

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Nursery Nyamagumba

I managed to write a successful bid to Solidarity Entraide for funding for a nursery in Musanze called Nyamagumba.  On return from home at Xmas I set about getting the items for the nursery that they needed in order to make it functional.

These pictures shows the nursery before.  In Rwanda nursery education is funded by the parents of the schools so they need all the help they can get.

The rooms as they were.

We had 65 chairs and 11 small desks made for the pupils and had new blackboards, provided equipment for the teacher to make visual aids, and another lady who visited me (Jax) came from England and bought loads of soft toys and jigsaws and games for the nursery.  We also managed to provide swings and a slide for outside the school.  We also bought two desks for the teaachers and four chairs for them and shelves for the books and a box for all the toys to be stored in.

These pictures show the 'new' nursery.

New blackboards, desks chairs and toys.

New slide

New swings

New desks, chairs and visual aids made with materials supplied.

Christmas 2012

First of all apologies to all for not having blogged for such a long time.  I was unable to upload photographs to the blog site for many months so I resorted to Dropbox to show my family and friends images I wanted to share - but now Blogspot have thankfully enabled me to upload images again so here goes.

I spent a wonderful Xmas at home with family and friends.  I visited many people and did many things and it was a cram packed two weeks.  Here are just a few of the photos of the whole family together.  It was a lovely time and one I will treasure.  Thanks to my Mum and Dad for having me for the two weeks and for putting up with an endless stream of visitor and catering for them all with such care.

On the last day at home I went for a meal with James and Emma and then on to the cinema to see Cinderella at the Alhambra.  A really nice experience.  Thanks to Emma for arranging it.