Monday 27 August 2012

Leaving Do’s – 1 Year in…..

Well it doesn’t seem like I have been here for a year but apparently I have! Or will have on the 2nd September.  We have been having leaving do’s since July for volunteers who are leaving to go back to the UK who were on one year contracts. 

Went to Karens house in Kabarore for one such party a few weekends ago.  House in Downtown Kabarore!


Full House

Had a great time.  There were about 30 people at the party – mainly Rwandans and we all played party games, drank beer, wine or Fanta depending on our preferences and had speeches and presentations etc.  It was a lovely occasion.

Then last Friday I said goodbye to Margaret – another of my good friends here – we decided to surprise her and turn up on Friday night to take her to the airport which all worked out fine.  Went for a few drinks and a nice meal at Heaven during the evening. 

Heaven 2
Margaret and Mike
Lovely.  It was mostly volunteers who attended with the addition of one Rwandan tutor from Margarets TTC (Teacher Training College) who happened to be on holiday in Kigali at the time.  Another lovely evening.

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