Sunday 1 April 2012

Library Project

Last week I travelled to Ngororera (about 3 hours away from where I live) to see a library and solar project that another volunteer had done in Rwanda.  I would very much like to be able to do similar projects in some of the schools in Musanze District too so if you can help - please let me know.  £1 will buy one book in Rwanda!  I have applied for funding from VSO to open a library in one of our schools and I am waiting for a reply at present.  The one in Ngororera cost about £500 to set up.

It doesn't look much but the kids love it!   Each child has an envelope (on top of the shelf) and each book is numbered and has an envelope with a number inside it in the book.  They take the number out of the book and put it in their envelope when they borrow a book.  When they return it they have to put the number back in the book and replace the book in the right place on the shelf.  Not as easy as you would imagine as most of these pupils have not seen reading books before!

The library books.  Each shelf has 100 books on it.
Boys reading

More boys reading


Half the class

Learning how to use the library

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